The Love of a Generation

On Thursday July, 14th an adventure lasting more than a decade will come to an end. For many, it has encompassed their entire lives from when it was first released in September of 1998. For a reference when it became available to the public in the United States I was a brash 13 year old. Fast forward to 2011, I am now 26 almost 27 years old and have a fiance who is 25 and both of us are excited, her more so than me.

In case you haven't figured it out yet I am referring to Harry Potter. It has engrossed an entire generation of children and gotten them to read. Not just read because they have to do it for school, but actually want to sit down and read instead of playing a video game or watching television. This is something that probably won't happen again for a very long time. If you haven't read the books I do recommend it.

I also find it amazing that the entire cast of the Harry Potter movies are still there, with the exception of people who have died. None of the main characters have gotten into any trouble or are part of tabloid rumors that plague so many of the young actors who are thrust into fame.

So next week everyone will say their goodbyes to Harry, Ron , and Hermione. But only J.K. Rowling knows if we will have to say goodbye to Hogwarts.



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